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- Master of Applied Social Science (Counselling)
- Graduate Diploma of Counselling
- Graduate Diploma of Relationship Counselling
- Earlier qualifications obtained before entering the field of counselling include Bachelor of Business (Management and Accounting) and Graduate Certificate in Company Secretarial Practice.
I have worked with individuals, couples and families across a wide range of cultures, ages, presentations and settings since 2008. Settings have included face-to-face counselling, telephone counselling, online counselling, group facilitation, community recovery (disaster field response). I also provide psychological first aid at critical incidents and workplace counselling under Employee Assistance Programs.
Working with children
I am cleared by the Office of the Children’s Guardian to work with children. To verify this clearance, you can use this online form or phone the Office of the Children’s Guardian on (02) 9286 7219. You will need to quote my full name (Peter Desmond Foster), my date of birth (20/05/1949) and my Working With Children Check Number (WWC0958853E).
I prefer not to work directly with children under the age of 8 years (unless conjointly with a parent or as a family member) as such work is best done using specialised approaches (using such aids as sand trays, selected toys and creative arts materials). I am happy to provide a referral to another appropriate practitioner.
Professional affiliations and standards
I am a Clinical Member of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia and am listed on its National Register (PACFA Reg. Clinical 22515). Counsellors who are listed on the National Register must demonstrate that they meet PACFA’s standards of professional training and ethical conduct, have sufficient experience to deliver quality counselling services, undertake ongoing professional development, receive professional supervision of their work, and hold professional indemnity insurance.

Can I help?
Request a Call BackIf you would like to talk about how I might be able to help you, please phone 0409 650 364, email me at peter.foster@concordance.com.au, or use the button to request a call back. All contact is confidential.
Book an AppointmentUse this button to find a suitable appointment time and to book a counselling session in person, by Zoom video or by telephone. It can also be used to book a free enquiry appointment via Zoom or telephone. Payment is arranged at the end of each session. A number of payment options are available.
Please contact me directly if you wish to discuss home visits or other modes of counselling such as email or instant messaging (internet relay chat).